Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017

Service Pack 2 (SP2) Readme


This readme contains recent information regarding the installation and use of Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017 SP2 software. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before installing the software. For future reference, you should save this readme to your hard drive.

Note: Autodesk is not responsible for errors or failures of Autodesk software arising from the installation of updates, extensions or new releases issued by third-party hardware or software vendors for the qualified software or hardware identified in this document (or for any other third-party software or hardware that you may use in connection with Autodesk products).


Additional Resources
Versions Of The Service Pack
Install / Uninstall
Fixed Defects Autodesk® 3ds Max 2017
Customer Error Reports (CERs)

Use the following table to locate various resources related to Autodesk® 3ds Max 2017:



Installation Help

System Requirements

Learning Resources

Support Resources or http:///

3ds Max SDK Documentation

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Initial Install

Users must have Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017 installed prior to installing this Service Pack.

3ds Max Beta Installs

If there are previously installed versions of any beta software (including Release Candidate (RC) versions) of Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017, uninstall and delete all system folders pertaining to these beta versions before installing the commercial version. Instructions on how to uninstall the beta versions are posted on the beta portal in the Beta and RC Readme files.

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Product To Update

Update Filename

Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017


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1. Download the appropriate file for your system. See Versions of the Service Pack.
2. Double-click the Service Pack 2 executable.
3. Follow the installation prompts in the Service Pack 2 installer.

NOTE for SP2: If you are not using the Autodesk update Manager it is recommended to improve install performance by forcing silent install:
1. Open a command prompt in the same folder as the .msp
2. Run the command:
msiexec /update 3dsMax2017_SP2.msp /quiet /l* update_2017_sp2.log

Windows 7 / Windows 8
1. Open Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
2. Click View Installed Updates.
3. Select Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 Service Pack 2.
4. Click Uninstall.

Windows 10
1. In Search Windows, type Installed Updates and select View Installed Updates.
2. Select Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 Service Pack 2.
3. Click Uninstall.


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The following list contains issues fixed in this release (Service Pack 2 contains all previous Service Pack fixes for 3ds Max 2017).


Key Summary Component
MAXX-29664 Animation Trajectory doesn't render until you re-select an object Animation
MAXX-30460 Bones animated using a HI IK Solver do not animate correctly after goal keyframe changes Animation
MAXX-30614 Customer Error Report: "Compute Mixdown" in the mixer is causing a program error Animation
MAXX-28653 Turning on Biped "Figure Mode" can cause program errors Animation
MAXX-27048 Unlocalize some strings and tooltips under "MassFX" tab in "Command Panel". Animation MassFX
MAXX-30652 pb1/pb2 parameters with TYPE_WORLD are not rescaled on load if object in a CA Core
MAXX-29639 Adding a 3rd party plugin path isn't saved properly when running 3ds Max 2017 in French Core
MAXX-30316 Slow node creation / modifier application in complex scene Core
MAXX-30213 Add methods for controlling logging level via maxscript Core
MAXX-28535 Customer Error Report: Program error when deleting coincident geometry Core
MAXX-30753 Customer Error Report: Program error on startup due to poor debug output Core
MAXX-29238 MaxPlus fail on set useshaderfx Core MaxPlus
MAXX-31355 getInterfaces does not return all class static interfaces Core MAXScript
MAXX-31353 runtime exceptions can lose their descriptions Core MAXScript
MAXX-30761 gw.text text color not working correctly Core MAXScript
MAXX-30726 sysinfo.MAXpriority enum values incomplete Core MAXScript
MAXX-30697 ValueHolderMember::set_value needs to protect its arg Core MAXScript
MAXX-29644 MaxScript: Extended Standard material doesn't support Show Realistic option Core MAXScript
MAXX-29598 Maxscript Editor window scroll position after search is broken. Core MAXScript
MAXX-26572 Save Selected (saveNodes) call using Maxscript on some custom rigs causes 3dsmax to hang indefinitely Core MAXScript
MAXX-31204 Program error with Qt ParamBlock UI Core SDK
MAXX-29936 MotionBuilder FBX skeleton with SphericXYZ Rotation, Import result in 3ds Max is incorrect FileIO
MAXX-29400 FBX presets not saving FileIO
MAXX-31608 File I/O - running 3 instances of max will have the 3rd to a program error on file open FileIO
MAXX-28179 Revit FBX geometry scale import issue. FileIO
MAXX-30891 Error message when trying to save rendered image to protected location does not respect silent mode FileIO
MAXX-30665 Customer Error Report: Program error on file load with second session when file accesses Autodesk Materials. Materials Material Editors
MAXX-29950 Customer Error Report: Program error applying specific Blend material setup to object Modeling
MAXX-29758 Typo in ShapeMap and TextMap .manualHeight Alias Modeling
MAXX-30285 Point To Point selection is selecting a wrong polygon loops. Modeling
MAXX-30265 3D snap isn't snapping to vertices on the same shape when Start New Shape parameter is unchecked Modeling
MAXX-30944 Tension engine doesn't work with Poly Mesh representations of Cone and Cylinder objects Modeling
MAXX-31001 Alembic export does not follow naming spec convention Modeling
MAXX-30826 Snap not working with Editable Poly Modeling
MAXX-29878 Edge loop - Selection with Shift creates unpredictable results. Modeling Improvements
MAXX-29604 Slices on cylinders and cones are badly converted to Editable Poly Modeling Modifiers
MAXX-30886 Missing some modifiers on groups Modeling Modifiers
MAXX-30635 UVW Unwrap - Flatten mapping spinners do not work Modeling UVW
MAXX-29596 Internal gammaMgr defaults are incorrect Rendering
MAXX-30947 Viewport errors reopening legacy files saved with 3ds Max 2017 SP1 Rendering
MAXX-30811 Physical Sky not visible in Viewport Rendering
MAXX-29379 Warning: Expected structure "E" missing from "m" shader declaration Rendering
MAXX-29801 Scene converterpProgram error when converting certain Autodesk Materials Scene Converter
MAXX-29649 Scene Converter: Replace hardcoded progress display with accurate count Scene Converter
MAXX-30326 Mental ray custom attributes added to a material even if mray is not present Rendering MentalRay
MAXX-25545 Particle Flow stacks on top of each other when reopened Slate SDK
MAXX-31006 Add responsive UI for Stingray DX shader material in 3dsmax Stingray Live Link
MAXX-30325 Using underlines in TextPlus text causes odd behavior when deleting characters Text tool
MAXX-28792 TextPlus doesn't show up in the global search Text tool
MAXX-30754 Customer Error Report: Program error on startup with renamed Brush Presets toolbar UI
MAXX-30008 Cropped Quick Pelt Dialogue in HDPI UI UI
MAXX-29671 Right click does not deactivate spinner up/down arrows UI
MAXX-30565 Viewport Configuration - Display Performance tab has cutoff UI when Windows DPI scaling set to 110% UI
MAXX-30490 Sub-Object icons in Modifier Stack do not appear when modifier Off in Renderer is enabled UI
MAXX-30130 Blurry icons in Curve editor (and a couple other places) UI
MAXX-30736 Changing color swatch in Physical Exposure Control will generate many Undo events UI
MAXX-31164 Workspace settings revert to Template workspace after closing/re-opening 3ds Max 2017 UI
MAXX-31033 Add Qt Point2 Spinners to support UI binding to paramblock TYPE_POINT2 parameter UI
MAXX-30839 QT Node and Texmap button refresh issues UI
MAXX-30646 QT Spinner used different click and drag cursor than the legacy spinners UI
MAXX-30641 Numerical Expression tool leaves Physical Camera Exposure Control fields white UI
MAXX-30655 QtParamUIRep SetTooltip implementation UI
MAXX-30029 Edit/Editable Poly icon update UI
MAXX-29994 Text in the rendering dialog has a different background color UI
MAXX-29993 Text clipping: Lots of text is clipped when DPI scaling not 100%, 125%, 150% and 200% UI
MAXX-29915 Rendering frame - UI disappears on a mouse click UI
MAXX-29914 Track Set : Dialog need to refresh properly when resized UI
MAXX-29646 App button icon is not DPI aware UI
MAXX-29599 Spinners in "Physical Camera Exposure Control" not working as expected UI
MAXX-30522 QT Spinners with animated parameters don't return to value after Undo or Redo UI
MAXX-30549 Resize modifier stack icons so that they don't overlap background outline UI
MAXX-30495 Sub-Object icons always appear in top modifiers in stack from modifiers/base object UI
MAXX-30475 QT Spinner: Integer spinner for date/time scrolls 1 value past maximum and minimum when dragging UI
MAXX-30476 QT Spinner: Some spinners will not work with click drag when starting at default value UI
MAXX-30474 QT Spinner for integers scales up slowly during click & drag UI
MAXX-30513 Qt spinner support for Numeric Expression Evaluator (Ctlr+N) UI
MAXX-30516 Qt spinner: Display red outline to indicate a keyframe at current frame UI
MAXX-30478 QT Spinner: Doesn't use internal step scale during click & drag UI
MAXX-30473 Implement a Qt Button TEXMAP type Drag n Drop behavior UI
MAXX-30519 Qt spinner support for wrap cursor near spinner UI
MAXX-30518 Relative offset does not work for Integer Qt Spinners, QmaxSpinBox UI
MAXX-30496 Spline Select missing sub-object icons in Modifier Stack view UI
MAXX-30453 Implement a Qt Button TEXMAP type UI
MAXX-30357 Replace plus/minus bmp in Editable Poly and Edit Poly UI
MAXX-30334 Sun Positioner: Some spinners will result in +/- 0.1 value difference than at start of click-drag action instead of exactly where it started UI
MAXX-30335 Sun Positioner: Spinners with keys will register Drag+Right-Click as end of drag and remain at last value in spinner UI. UI
MAXX-30333 Sun Positioner: Date & Time rollout spinners don't work with single clicks. UI
MAXX-30343 Editable Spline, Edit Spline, Spline Select - Rollout and Modifier Stack icons UI
MAXX-30306 Update UV Editor Loop Icons UI
MAXX-30269 Modifier stack sub-object icons scale properly to system DPI scaling UI
MAXX-30268 Camera mode cursors match DPI scaling UI
MAXX-30600 Modifier stack sub-object icons - Implementation - Edit Normals, Fillet/Chamfer, HSDS UI
MAXX-30603 Update Modifier panel icons - HSDS, Hair&Fur UI
MAXX-30264 Mesh Select icons update UI
MAXX-30263 Poly Select icons update UI
MAXX-30145 Edit Mesh icon update UI
MAXX-30146 Edit Patch icon update UI
MAXX-30126 Make Qt Param wrapper aware of tab param UI
MAXX-30981 Make Spinner.cur DPI aware UI
MAXX-30980 Percentage spinners do not display proper scaled value UI
MAXX-26424 Create multiRes icons for biped motion panel - Keyframing Tools, Layers, Copy/Paste, Motion Capture rollups UI
MAXX-28069 Curve Editor / make keyframe handle DPI aware UI
MAXX-30855 Update Vertex and Loop/Ring icons in UVUnwrap Editor UI
MAXX-30125 Implement Qt Color Button Drag n Drop behavior UI
MAXX-30472 Implement Qt Button TEXMAP type Cut/Copy/Clear/Paste behavior UI
MAXX-30461 Implement Qt Color Button Copy/Paste behavior UI
MAXX-30828 The vertex number doesn't change on the Modifier Command Panel rollup (Vertex XX selected). UI
MAXX-31032 Move QMaxRollup.h and QMaxRollupContainer.h to maxsdk UI
MAXX-30982 Cursor does not change to arrow over QToolButton UI
MAXX-31080 Biped motion panel: Integrate rollup multi res icons UI
MAXX-31230 Making copy of Physical Camera can cause 3ds Max to a program error Viewports Nitrous
MAXX-29935 Cut doesn't work properly on mirrored objects Viewports Nitrous
MAXX-28980 Viewport Performance mode with fast shader override improvement Viewport Performance Improvement


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Customer Error Reports

We can improve the stability of Autodesk® 3ds Max®largely because of the Customer Error Reports (CERs) that end-users submit. We thank you for taking the time to fill out these reports and ask you to include as much information as possible about what actions you were performing at the time the error occurred. These details raise the value of the report immensely and are very much appreciated by the Autodesk 3ds Max Quality Engineering team.


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