This readme contains the latest information regarding known issues that may affect your design efforts. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before installing.
Prepare for Installation
- Most video display issues occur due to outdated video drivers. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer to ensure that you have the most recent video drivers for your graphics card and to download any updates before installing this product.
- Administrative privileges are required to install and uninstall this program.
- InfraWorks 360 is now supported on Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit: Enterprise or Pro. See
System Requirements.
- It is highly recommended that you save your work and close all open applications before installing this release. The installation may restart your machine without warning.
- If your computer has an Integrated Graphics card and an Nvidia graphics card installed running Nvidia Optimus, we recommend
forcing your system to use the high performance graphics processor instead of the default Integrated Graphics when launching Autodesk products.
Known Issues
September 2016 Release
NOTE:These are the known issues as of August 24th, 2016. For the most current list of known issues, visit the
InfraWorks 360 2017 readme.
Bridge Design
- A bridge must have 8 or less girders per girder group for deck haunches to be supported.
- Haunches are not supported if a girder crosses the centerline of the bridge deck. Therefore using an odd number of girders will not allow for haunches unless you offset the center girder from the center of the bridge deck.
Design Views
- If you are in Engineering View and have Show Sky disabled in View Settings, the sky will becomes visible again if you switch proposals. Toggle to Conceptual View then back to Engineering View to re-disable the display of the sky background.
- Some component textures, such as the bridge component deck texture, can be difficult to see using the default Conceptual View settings. To improve texture visibility, adjust model time in Sun & Sky settings, or reduce light intensity in the Visualization tab of the View Settings panel. You can also switch to Engineering View.
Drainage Design
- After creating a flood snapshot, toggling the display of the flood snapshot on and off more than once may cause your view to zoom in too far, and InfraWorks 360 will also select a piece of city furniture and show its attributes in the Stack. Single-click in canvas to de-select the city furniture object, then zoom out to see the flood snapshot area again.
Road Design
- The workflow to generate Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D drawings of design roads has changed. Instead of using the Generate Civil3D Drawing intelligent tool in InfraWorks 360, open AutoCAD Civil 3D and use the Insert
InfraWorks 360
Open InfraWorks 360 Model tool to bring your InfraWorks 360 data into AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- Roadside grading materials may not display properly when fixed-slope roads intersect with fixed-width roads or planning roads.
- Roadside grading is not fully supported for roads or intersections with unresolved geometries, and may produce unexpected results.
- Calculating earthwork volumes is not supported nor excluded in intersections with unresolved geometry, and may produce unexpected results.
- The Cross Section Viewer does not support viewing intersection area cross sections for left turn lanes.
- The Cross Section Viewer does not support viewing cross sections for roundabouts.
- Superelevation is not supported for component roads if your model uses the DMRB Metric Road Standards.
- Right of Ways are not supported for component roads if your model uses the DMRB Metric Road Standards.
Viewing Models in a Browser
- Bridge component parts will display a white color instead of material textures when you view an InfraWorks 360 model in a browser.
- Bridge abutments with offsets will not display when you view an InfraWorks 360 model in a browser.