Autodesk 3ds Max 2018.2 Update Release Notes |
Thank you for downloading Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2018.2 Update.
These release notes describe what's new, what's fixed, known limitations and workarounds, plus other important information for this release. We strongly recommend you read this document before installing and running any version of the program.
What's New
What's Fixed
Known Issues and Workarounds
Additional Resources
3ds Max 2018 must be installed prior to installing the update.
Allows you to automate tasks using MAXScript or Python in a streamlined and scalable way, as well as to deploy 3ds Max on the cloud.
Allows you to create hand-drawn splines directly in the viewport.
Allows you to create a soft selection of spline knots based on their proximity to specified objects.
Allows you to easily duplicate a spline along a specified axis, duplicating and present normals.
Allows you to blend between different shapes using progressive or blended methods.
Detects self-overlapping splines and adjusts the displacement of the intersecting segments.
Allows you to smooth out splines by relaxing knot positions and/handles.
Reduces the number of knots and adjusts their handles to optimally reproduce the original spline as closely as possible.
Allows you to easily select vertices and apply proximity based fallofs to effects.
Enhancements and changes have been made to:
For more information, see What's New in 3ds Max.
The following list describes issues fixed in this release. Note: Update 2 contains all previous Service Pack and Update fixes for 3ds Max 2018.
ID |
Component |
Description |
MAXX-37558 |
Animation, Modeling |
Animation presets crash when loading presets and during playback |
MAXX-37460 |
Core |
Two drag-and-drop windows destroyed when opening Material Browser dialog |
MAXX-37070 |
Core |
Preferences corruption with multiple launches |
MAXX-38269 |
Core |
Scene causes severe lag making 3ds Max 2018 unusuable |
MAXX-38450 |
Core |
3dsmax.exe -batch -U PythonHost (script) does not allow saving scene files via MaxPlus |
MAXX-38347 |
Core, Animation, FileIO |
Script controller: assignments for variables are lost when opening previous scene |
MAXX-36514 |
Core |
Preferences become corrupt with multiple launches |
MAXX-36697 |
Core |
Crash when creating 2 railing objects and then selecting drop-down parameters |
MAXX-36741 |
Core |
CER: (crash on startup) contentcoreshared ccPhysxManager Load |
MAXX-37313 |
Core |
CER: Crash on Undo after Reset |
MAXX-37187 |
Core |
New animatable leaks from I2200 (active_shade_rapidrt and fileio_interop suites) |
MAXX-37179 |
Core |
'Full' minidump creates no .dmp file |
MAXX-37135 |
Core | script leaked animatables |
MAXX-37142 |
Core | script had 12 animatable leaks |
MAXX-34406 |
Core, Interop |
After importing any file type with materials, ip->GetSceneMtls() returns NULL |
MAXX-18209 |
Core |
Crash when undoing material creation and assignment |
MAXX-30079 |
Core |
CER: Crash on startup. kernel32 _NA_ Â BaseDllReadWriteIniFile 0x15C |
MAXX-37386 |
Core |
-i flag pointing to custom path does not allow you to load a non-default ZoomLevel |
MAXX-34566 |
Core |
Faster saving of large volume of objects |
MAXX-37779 |
FileIO |
Access violation when storing very large mesh when writing >2^31 bytes |
MAXX-38136 |
FileIO |
Scripted Controller loses some Constant value when loaded in 2018 |
MAXX-37472 |
FileIO |
Max 2017 Xref won't open. Opens fine in Max 2016 |
MAXX-37880 |
Interop |
NameList checking slows import |
MAXX-37780 |
Interop |
.wire import using ATF is much slower than DC |
MAXX-38168 |
Interop |
FBX - Mesh tangents/normals changed on export (2017 regression) |
MAXX-36516 |
MaterialEditors |
3ds Max 2017 freezes when in Material Map Navigator and selecting View Large Icons |
MAXX-34956 |
MaxPlus.NET |
MaxPlus has issues traversing checker texture's properties |
MAXX-37749 |
MAXScript |
Assert_not_equal gives wrong error message (values equal) |
MAXX-36665 |
MAXScript |
PluginManager.loadClass() freezes max if class is undefined |
MAXX-37885 |
MAXScript |
Meshop.attach has memory leakage |
MAXX-37750 |
MAXScript |
Mxs 0/0 generates system exception, should generate runtime error |
MAXX-37787 |
MAXScript |
Mxs: (1 < 2L^31) --> false |
MAXX-37908 |
MAXScript |
Mxsdot net - cannot create values of type 'float' |
MAXX-37735 |
Missing ClassID when creating tool graphs |
MAXX-37257 |
Fixed issues regarding saving Groups |
MAXX-37257 |
Fixed issue regarding lack of notification or warning message when installing new MCG graph |
MAXX-37257 |
Fixed issue regarding loss of min/max defaults in edit boxes |
MAXX-37987 |
Fixed localisation issue regarding decimal characters. |
MAXX-36847 |
Modeling |
Slice plane snapping doesn't work with subobject selections |
MAXX-36158 |
Modeling |
Alembic/visible spikes in performance mode |
MAXX-37062 |
Booleans, Modeling |
Crash when cloning Boolean2 as copy |
MAXX-36052 |
Modeling |
CRASH running maxscript with specific typo |
MAXX-36159 |
Modeling |
Alembic/Hidden nodes will be visible when using the Performance mode. |
MAXX-37071 |
Modeling |
Renderable splines with Adaptive interpolation do not respect Material ID |
MAXX-36056 |
Modeling |
Editable Poly Objects with NURMS Sub-Div turned on for Render hang during second render |
MAXX-37715 |
Modeling |
Working Pivot - The Edit Working Pivot mode is broken |
MAXX-37848 |
Modeling |
Typing in the System Units Setup dialog deactivates selected objects in the scene |
MAXX-37163 |
Modeling |
Flex modifier has two properties called "Center" |
MAXX-37990 |
Interop, Modeling |
Revit import underperforms due to MeshAccel point3_filter traversal |
MAXX-37165 |
Modeling, Viewports |
Mirror as instance causes significant selection problems and edged faces artifacts |
MAXX-37356 |
ParticleFlow |
ParticleView crash when switching display flags |
MAXX-35513 |
Rendering StateSets |
Hiding multiple nodes is not working |
MAXX-34922 |
Rendering |
3ds Max will hang when creating and running a batch render if it contains Swedish characters |
MAXX-34313 |
Rendering |
Sun Positioner doesn't allow you to set the day to 31 |
MAXX-33296 |
Rendering |
Can't select Physical Camera when picking its gizmo |
MAXX-29475 |
Rendering |
Incorrect/Duplicated Sun Positioner UI labels |
MAXX-32446 |
Rendering |
Can't cut and paste animation keys in the Sun positioner |
MAXX-37429 |
SceneConverter |
Scene converter doesn't open up when standins, other than mental ray, are present |
MAXX-37907 |
SceneConverter |
ME setting "Show Shaded Material in Viewport" turns itself off after scene conversion |
MAXX-35752 |
Cannot assign new material to node inside NotifyRefChanged() / REFMSG_CHANGE |
MAXX-37119 |
SDK Autodesk.Max.dll problem |
MAXX-33766 |
Cameras Physical, UI |
Physical Camera UI does not allow negative values for shutter offset |
MAXX-36629 |
UI |
Max points to that does not exist |
MAXX-37512 |
UI |
WelcomeScreen download message for 3ds Max Interactive should appear on top. |
MAXX-37739 |
UI |
DockDiloagBar doesn't stack correctly ontop of time slider |
MAXX-35196 |
UI |
Link to Essential Skills opens Welcome Screen, but Essential Skills were removed location |
MAXX-35620 |
UI |
Duplicate Help menu items for SAT and Ideas |
MAXX-35336 |
UI |
Ribbon toolbar icon does not reflect the correct state |
MAXX-37556 |
UI |
Sub-menus in 3ds Max drop-down menus can't be accessed with the mouse |
MAXX-34689 |
UI |
UI Checkbox does not show proper state when indeterminate |
MAXX-32735 |
UI |
Slow-loading UI dialogs causing failures on installed builds for SP3 |
MAXX-36168 |
UI |
All drop down headers's tooltips show "Command Panel" |
MAXX-37125 |
UI |
Drag and drop is broken on Windows 10 when using an x86 out-of-process tool |
MAXX-37985 |
UI |
Empty parameter name causes unpredictable Qt UI operation |
MAXX-37365 |
UI |
Right-clicking toolbar buttons no longer brings up a menu |
MAXX-38023 |
UI |
Ribbon UI Redraw Can Cause Objects to Offset |
MAXX-36628 |
UI |
Two help links "Small annoying things to fix" and "Ideas for 3ds Max" point to the same page |
MAXX-31401 |
UI |
Color Selector dialog launched from Qt color button doesn't include button name/description in dialog title |
MAXX-36057 |
Unwrap_UVW.getSelectedVertices() should not contain dead vertices |
MAXX-36019 |
Update Automation script: Unwrap_UVW.numberMatIDs() |
MAXX-37929 |
Material is lost when using Checker map in UV Editor and toggling "all ids" |
MAXX-36131 |
get/setSyncSelectionMode, syncTVSelection, syncGeomSelection MAXScript methods should be removed |
MAXX-28848 |
When in Area Distortion view in UV Editor, vertex selections are not visible in the viewport |
MAXX-29127 |
In UV Editor, Peel with Avoid Overlaps option packs all instead of only the selected cluster. |
MAXX-32379 |
Freeform spinners broken in UV Editor |
MAXX-34433 |
Can't lock selection with spacebar default shortcut key in UV Editor (changed default key) |
MAXX-31137 |
Transform gizmo in UV Editor takes texture's aspect ratio (issue with non square textures/high aspect ratios) |
MAXX-37967 |
UVW ini file issue that leaks file handles causing automation issues |
MAXX-37927, MAXX-37461 |
In UV Editor, material gets lost or reset when using checker map and toggling IDs in dropdown |
MAXX-37644 |
UV Tile display error when there are no UV points in tile |
MAXX-37117 |
Modeling, Viewports |
Switching to Facet or Model Assist could crash in MNMeshBuilder code |
MAXX-31345 |
Viewports |
Can't pick Sun Positioner in Viewport |
MAXX-38393 |
Viewports |
Objects with transparent materials disappear behind solid objects in the Viewport |
MAXX-37087 |
Viewports |
Having two instances of 3ds Max 2017 crashes opening any scene files |
MAXX-37467 |
Modeling, Viewports |
Model Assist: switching between display modes reverses the modeling action in a viewport |
MAXX-33668 |
Viewports |
Hidden faces are displayed incorrectly as Backface Cull does not work |
MAXX-37496 |
Viewports |
Model Assist affects all viewports not just one selected |
MAXX-37748 |
Modeling, Viewports |
Model Assist crashes older 3dsMax versions |
MAXX-36444 |
Modeling, Viewports |
Vertex Alpha and Color do not display or update correctly on Editable Mesh |
MAXX-37942 |
Viewports |
Difficult to select polys in Editable Poly |
MAXX-38100 |
Viewports |
Lot of objects and Groups slow down viewport performance |
The following list describes known issues in this release.
Issue |
Workaround (if applicable) |
AMD Ryzen processor compatibility problem with Body Objects. |
Not applicable |
Scripted plugins are sometimes preventing the Command Panel from being resized properly. |
Not applicable |
The Freehand Spline object currently does not update correctly with the closed option. |
Toggle the option in the Modifier tab. |
Animated knots in the Driven Rotation and Scale for PathDeform modifier do not currently update with the time slider. |
Not applicable |
Renderable Spline properties within Edit/Editable Spline will not always propogate up the stack with spline related modifiers. |
Place a renderable Spline modifier on top. |
Use the following table to locate additional resources.
For more information on... |
See... |
Installing this product |
Using the new features in this release |
What learning resources are available |
Contacting customer support |
Submitting an idea about a new feature or improvement |
We can improve the stability of Autodesk 3ds Max largely because of the Customer Error Reports (CERs) you submit. By including as much information as possible about what actions you were performing when the error occurred, you increase the report's value immensely. Thank you very much for taking the time, we really appreciate it.
For more information on CERs, see Customer Error Reporting.
To uninstall from a Windows 10 system:
To uninstall from a Windows 7 or Windows 8 system:
Autodesk and 3ds Max are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.
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