Thank you for downloading the Autodesk® Inventor® 2018.3 Update.
This readme contains important information regarding the installation and contents of the Update.
Important: The Inventor 2018.3 Update contains all of the updates previously released for Inventor 2018.
The Inventor 2018.3 Update process will silently uninstall 2018.2.1/2018.2.2/2018.2.3 prior to 2018.3 being installed. 2018.3 Update is a cumulative Update, it includes all fixes from 2018.2.1/2018.2.2/2018.2.3 Updates. Note that in the event that 2018.3 needs to be uninstalled then 2018.2.1/2018.2.2/2018.2.3 should be reinstalled as required.
Inventor Updates can be applied to Inventor installed as a standalone application or installed as part of a Suite or Collection. You can apply this Update on:
After applying this Update, the product build in the About Box will be listed as Build:284 Inventor 2018.3 Update.
The following Links summarize the new features and enhancements provided in the specific Updates:
What's New for Inventor 2018.3
What's New for Inventor 2018.2
What's New for Inventor 2018.1
The following issues have been identified, in the new features delivered in the corresponding Update, through validation and customer testing. These Issues are being investigated for resolution in a future update or release:
Fusion Interop
- When Inventor 2019 has established an AnyCAD reference to a Fusion 360 file (.fusiondesign) in Fusion Team, Inventor 2018 might fail to download it. The workaround is to update the Fusion 360 design to a new version and create a new AnyCAD reference in Inventor 2018. This is a known issue that we are looking to address in the future. (INVGEN-12774)
As a result of the detailed information that we received from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, we were able to identify and fix several defects with the following results:
- Improved stability when assigning an empty string from a control element (ComboBox/TextBox) to a parameter. (INVGEN-13385)
Application Functionality
- Improved stability when opening a file on a connected drive from My Home. (INVGEN-7555)
- Improved stability when saving a file after closing the Parameters dialog. (INVGEN-10932)
Assembly Modeling
- Improved stability when editing a constraint in the assembly environment. (INVGEN-7260)
- Changes to geometry no longer break weldments. (INVGEN-7991)
- Improved stability when placing components into an assembly. (INVGEN-11865)
Communication and Interoperability
- Improved stability when exporting a drawing (.idw) file to DWF\DWFx. (INVGEN-9614)
- Improved stability when updating and saving a part that had been updated in the 3D print environment. (INVGEN-9929)
Content Center
- Improved stability when editing the size of a patterned Content Center part. (INVGEN-6214)
- Improved stability when opening or closing multiple part files. (INVGEN-11056)
Drawing Manager
- Improved stability when creating a sketch on top of a view in a drawing (.idw) file. (INVGEN-4619)
Part Modeling
- Improved stability when working in sketch environment. (INVGEN-12094)
Sheet Metal
- Improved stability when exporting a file with a flat pattern and clicking on the Layer tab in the Export to DXF dialog box. (INVGEN-11462)
- Improved stability when making changes to a Sheet Metal hole sketch. (INVGEN-12048)
- Improved stability when opening a presentation where a component fails to load. (INVGEN-10774)
- Improved stability when editing an iPart when thread tables do not exist. (INVGEN-11599)
- Improved stability when RMB on a view copied from another sheet with changed custom view orientation. (INVGEN-10987)
- Improved stability when accessing DWG underlay via API. (INVGEN-11630)
- Improved stability when constraining to DWG geometry. (INVGEN-10415)
- Improved stability when deleting sheets in a drawing. (INVGEN-4795)
- Improved stability when docking the browser. (INVGEN-8989)
- Improved stability when creating new folder. (INVGEN-7515)
- Improved stability when selecting or double-clicking a browser node. (INVGEN-4696)
- Improved stability when switching panels with BrowserPane.OnActive event watching. (171265)
- Improved stability when editing a Shrinkwrap feature with exclude or include components and Associative option is enabled. (171442)
- Improved stability when switching the level of detail from the drop-down list in the Shrinkwrap dialog during editing shrinkwrap feature. (174303)
- STEP associative import no longer causes Inventor to unexpectedly exit when you use a Vault project. (INVGEN-838)
- Improved stability when exporting a file to the Revit family file format when the Revit Interoperability sub-component is not installed. (INVGEN-2721)
- Improved stability when editing a ring feature. (INVGEN-1122)
- Improved stability when measuring a partial chamfer. (INVGEN-723)
- Improved stability when deletomg parts with a Dynamic Simulation run. (INVGEN-1279)
- Improved stability in the Frame Analysis environment. (INVGEN-1275)
- Improved stability updating the style in a sheet metal part file. (INVGEN-1254)
- Improved stability when using Load Model during AnyCAD Reference. (INVGEN-3741)
- Improved stability when using Undo after placing a Factory asset. (FDS-11287, 177681)
- Improved stability when exiting Inventor and a HSM is loaded. (178718)
- Improved stability in stress analysis environment with block error alert. (INVGEN-840)
Several additional defects have been fixed with the following results:
- Modifying the TemplateFileName from the OnFileInsertNewDialog Inventor API event now correctly creates the requested file type. (INVGEN-11783)
- Setting the hidden _LibraryDocumentModifiable API property no longer allows documents in read-only (library) folders from being modified. See AKN article for more information. (INVGEN-13347)
Application Functionality
- You can drag and drop single or multiple browser feature and component nodes into a different position in the browser. Hover over a collapsed feature or component node to expand the node. (INVGEN-7477)
- Shortcuts, such as S for Sketch, M for Measure, etc., now function correctly. (INVGEN-8483)
- Language specified in the Place from Content Center > Tools > Language Setting now maintains the language setting. (INVGEN-8506)
- Constraints and origin browser nodes no longer disappear after reordering the assembly component. (INVGEN-11308)
- Deployed Application Options settings are now distributed to all users. (INVGEN-11905)
- Opening the marking menu from the context menu, and then hitting the F6 (Home) key no longer causes Inventor to freeze. (INVGEN-12127)
- Browser width no longer resets to the default width when starting a new session of Inventor. Also, the browser width can be adjusted. (INVGEN-13199)
- Browser width no longer reverts to default width in a new session of Inventor after resizing the browser in an earlier session. (INVGEN-13622)
Assembly Modeling
- API now recognizes a cosmetic weld loop. (INVGEN-11996)
- Improved stability when editing-in-place a Tube & Pipe sub-assembly to create flexible routes in Express Mode. (INVGEN-13654)
Communication and Interoperability
- Editing an image in an image editor other than MS Paint now correctly displays the images in the exported AutoCAD file. (INVGEN-2392)
- Improved performance when exporting a large assembly file to 3D PDF. (INVGEN-13309)
Content Center
- A new Content Center cache mechanism improves the performance of opening Content Center libraries from a remote Vault server. (INVGEN-7142)
Design Accelerator
- Bolted Connection countersink and counterbore hole diameters now maintain customized values. (INVGEN-13208)
Drawing Manager
- Resolved issue where decimal digits displayed incorrectly in a title block. (INVGEN-7776)
- A weld hatch now correctly displays the hatch material assigned to it. (INVGEN-9057)
- You can now drag multiple drawing views from the active sheet to a different sheet. (INVGEN-9343)
- Text added to the top of a sketch hatch pattern now displays correctly. (INVGEN-11301)
- Units now display correctly in welding symbols. (INVGEN-11444)
- Changing the Table layout direction in a Parts List no longer interferes with opening an item from the Parts List. (INVGEN-13198)
Frame Generator
- Curved frames no longer generate redundant split features after Rebuild. (INVGEN-4634)
- You can now change the frame member family of a reused frame member. (INVGEN-13664)
- The rule editor no longer hangs indefinitely in a part file with multiple work features. (INVGEN-10422)
- Word wrap now displays correctly when printing iLogic code. (INVGEN-11580)
- The browser node for Flush constraint now updates correctly when working with positional representations (except for Master) and setting values via API or iLogic. This means you can now override the flush constraint parameter. (INVGEN-13574)
Part Modeling
- Improved stability when opening a part file with multiple mesh bodies. (INVGEN-9706)
- Improved stability when opening .idw and .ipn files. (INVGEN-10774)
- Changes to tweaks in a sub-assembly in an assembly (.iam) file now update correctly in the corresponding presentation (.ipn) file. (INVGEN-11758)
- Improved performance when using the Tweak command in large assemblies. (INVGEN-12138)
Sheet Metal
- Cut normal operations no longer cause a sheet metal part to rotate slightly. (INVGEN-13626)
- Resolved issue with Assembly Stress settings in Japanese versions of Inventor. (INVGEN-10446)
- Only tutorials containing at least one model file or one video file can be shared. (INVGEN-13006)
- Improved stability when using Sketch.CopyContentsTo. (INVGEN-4491)
Application Functionality
- Improved stability with Design Share. (INVGEN-9661)
- Part browser scroll bar now displays after opening a subassembly when both the Model and Vault browsers are opened. (INVGEN-6822, INVGEN-4065)
Assembly Modeling
- Unable to deactivate Center of Gravity visibility. (INVGEN-1206)
- Memory no longer leaks when adding a component to an assembly. (INVGEN-10458)
- Improved stability when working with the constraint dialog. (INVGEN-10760)
- Performance improved when importing a dataset into Inventor. (INVGEN-10325)
- The Assembly mass and density now calculate correctly. (INVGEN-9731)
Communication and Interoperability
- Improved stability when publishing a 3D Annotation to DWF. (INVGEN-11174)
Drawing Manager
- Text layout no longer unepectedly changes within a text box when moving a drawing view. (INVGEN-9554)
- Solid hatch no longer unepectedly changes color in the Title Block. (INVGEN-10546)
- The Margin setting now functions correctly. (INVGEN-11840)
Part Modeling
- The input value in the mini toolbar for Fillet, Chamfer, Hole, Shell, or Revolve is now retained when Preview is activated. (INVGEN-10259)
- A change in the source workplane height now propagates correctly to the derived part. (INVGEN-11602)
- Invisibility attributes are no longer lost when exporting to STEP file. (INVGEN-10420)
Tube & Pipe
- Bend radius command no longer goes missing after entering an incorrect value in the input field. (INVGEN-9314)
3D Annotations
- Switching between Preparations, Welds and Machining folders in Weldment environment no longer removes existing annotations and the Annotations folder. (184563)
- Improved stability when creating linear dimension 3DA in edit in context environment. (INVGEN-8975)
Application Functionality
- The out-of-date icon no longer displays next to a virtual component when the component is not out of date. (INVGEN-1598)
- Improved stability when viewing multiple sheets of an Inventor drawing in the online Autodesk Viewer. (INVGEN-2452)
- Editing a Direct feature no longer causes the browser to move incorrectly to the top. (INVGEN-3933)
- Ctrl+N/O now functions correctly when the iLogic add-in is loaded and the Show My Home on startup option is off. (INVGEN-4078)
- Improved stability when clicking Un-Resolved filter. (INVGEN-4745)
- Browser nodes now remain selected when clicking a blank area between two selected nodes in the browser would deselect the nodes.(INVGEN-4953)
- Improved stability when using Pack and Go with unresolved files. (INVGEN-5275)
- Improved stability when working with Inventor Studio and Microsoft Excel is not installed. (INVGEN-5352)
- Unused user parameters can now be removed. (INVGEN-5698)
- A command no longer is randomly executed when you quickly right-click on a browser node. (INVGEN-6733)
- Options now import correctly using the command line option/import options. (INVGEN-8438)
- Improved stability when using the Half Section View and creating a New window. (INVGEN-8550)
- Offline help files no longer goes missing. (INVGEN-9322)
- Help now launches correctly from the Inventor Connected Design panel. (INVGEN-9434)
Assembly Modeling
- Fixed an issue where an assembly made from a multibody part would always be out of date. (INVGEN-1600)
- Improved stability when working with constraints in an assembly sketch. (INVGEN-3442)
- Improved stability when editing cells with column sort enabled in BOM dialog. (INVGEN-6179)
- Visibility settings in Shrinkwrap dialog no longer change the current design view. (INVGEN-6240)
- A unit string no longer is added after exporting Part List to Excel when the "Unit String" option is not checked. (INVGEN-6307)
- Preserve Features function now works in Shrinkwrap Substitute. (INVGEN-6580)
- "Stock Diameter" and "Cut Length" in part list are now exported as numbers in Excel table. (INVGEN-7324)
- Position representation now imports incorrectly from migrated data. (INVGEN-8416)
- Improved stability with view the Shrinkwrap preview when Break link option is on. (INVGEN-8484)
- Improved the stability of weldments with modifications that cause welds to become sick. (INVGEN-8487)
- Improved stability that could occur when deleting an assembly feature in weldment. (INVGEN-9798)
Communication and Interoperability
- Corrected the font size when export IMGDT symbols as PDF. (INVGEN-1665)
- Additional surface bodies no longer are generated when importing a Solid Edge weldment file into Inventor. (INVGEN-2500)
- Invisible SolidEdge weldments no longer import as visible. (INVGEN-2665)
- Improved stability when importing CATIA files. (INVGEN-3125)
- Geometry no longer goes missing when exporting STEP file. (INVGEN-4663)
- Improved stability when exporting a 3D PDF. Exporting the Master DV increases stability. (INVGEN-5451)(INVGEN-6488)
- Geometry no longer goes missing when exporting an IDW to ACAD DWG. (INVGEN-5824)
- Barcode font (Free 3 of 9 Extended) exported to PDF/DWF now displays correctly. (INVGEN-6408)
- Excel tables embedded in a drawing now export to excel correctly. (INVGEN-6442)
- Improved stability when exporting weldment sub-assemblies inserted into assembly to 3D PDF. (INVGEN-6568)
- Improved stability when exporting STEP files. (INVGEN-6711)
- Elements no longer go missing when exporting a part file to a STEP file. (INVGEN-7167)
- Fusion references now update after the Fusion file type is changed. (INVGEN-8377)
- Components now display correctly when exporting to 3D PDF. (INVGEN-9185)
Design Accelerator
- Previously, when creating a bolted connection with through all connection type, the patterned holes are created without thread if holes are distributed on several components. This issue is now resolved, the patterned holes have thread as long as the components' termination planes are at the same level. (INVGEN-6839)
- Design Accelerator features can now be created successfully when the Inventor installation path contains local characters. (INVGEN-9580)
Drawing Manager
- Fixed a performance regression found in 2018.1 where changing a View Representation in a drawing was slower than in 2018 RTM. (INVGEN-2314)
- Fixed an issue where a shaded drawing view would be incorrect if using Offline Only under Use Bitmap in the Drawing View dialog. (INVGEN-3327)
- Fixed an issue in drawing view preview for long and thin parts. Changing the view orientation could cause Inventor to scale the preview incorrectly. (INVGEN-3579)
- Fixed an issue where some projected drawing views would be migrated incorrectly from 2017 to 2018. (INVGEN-4523)
- Fixed an issue in drawings with invisible parts appearing in the drawing view. In 2017.4 if a user placed a sub-assembly with parts that had the visibility turned off into an upper level assembly the drawing view of the assembly would show the invisible parts. This error has been fixed. (INVGEN-4542)
- Corrected the part list with QTY column for substitution with Item QTY exported to Excel & Access. (INVGEN-4644)
- Fixed an issue when Zoom All command shrinks drawing to 95% of its original size. (INVGEN-654)
Enhanced Visualization
- Fixed an issue where opaque percentage has no effect at 67% and higher. This value is used for the inactive component appearance and transparent components. (INVGEN-1887)
- Improved stability when working in the drawing environment, such as close drawing, copy and paste between drawing. (INVGEN-2033)
- Assembly appearance now updates correctly when there's appearance change in library. (INVGEN-2959)
- Improvement made to surface face missing in Drawing shaded views. (INVGEN-4959)
- Improved stability that could occur when closing drawing document under Vault environment. (INVGEN-8591)
- Fixed the issue with the warning dialog popping up for all iLogic rules when Inspect rules for malicious code option in iLogic Security dialog is enabled. (INVGEN-6245)
- Support now provided for parameter equations: acosh(), asinh() and atanh(). (INVGEN-6339)
Inventor Studio
- Improved stability for adding local lights in Inventor Studio. (INVGEN-4763)
- The environment for Inventor Studio local lighting style can now be selected on Windows 10 operating system. (INVGEN-6160)
Part Modeling
- Improved stability when creating Direct Edit features. (INVGEN-4779)
- Improved stability with the sweep command. (INVGEN-4792)
- After generating files for iPart, you are no longer required to save members again when place in an assembly. (INVGEN-7158)
- Cut Normal no longer corrupts the constraint. (INVGEN-9538)
- Modifingly thickness values for Freeform Thicken now display correctly in previewed/computed result. (INVGEN-9609)
Sheet Metal
- Improved stability with reorder feature. (INVGEN-4713)
- Improved stability in Dynamic Simulation. (INVGEN-688)
- Improved stability when copy/paste 3D sketch. (INVGEN-4860)
- Improved stability when adding a dimension to fixed geometry. (INVGEN-8064)
Task Scheduler
- Improved stability when publishing 3D PDF and purging a style in Task Scheduler. (INVGEN-8297)
Guided Tutorials
- A thumbnail associated with a duplicated Inventor tutorial now displays correctly. (INVGEN-4827)
- Improved stability when duplicating an Inventor tutorial. (INVGEN-4828)
Assembly Modeling
- Representations now functioning properly. (178864, 173817)
Drawing Manager
- Hole table content no longer changes the wrong part of the split table. (INVGEN-4757)
- Content in the format column of an export of BOM now displays correctly. (INVGEN-6140, INVGEN-6723)
Part Modeling
- Non-migrated Inventor files now correctly display the appearance in Shaded visual style. (INVGEN-6178)
- Parts containing only sketch geometry now show a preview when placing a Base View. (INVGEN-7540)
Assembly Modeling
- Save & Replace now work correctly. (INVGEN-6569)
- Table Text is no longer erased when new text added. (INVGEN-6534)
- A trail no longer displays when right-clicking and immediately moving the mouse from Marking Menu. (INVGEN-5243)
- iLogic security no longer incorrectly identifies rules as suspect. (INVGEN-6245, INVGEN-3597)
Part Modeling
- Chamfer Dimensions are now accepted correctly. (INVGEN-6621, INVGEN-3570)
- Selecting "Project as construction line" option no longer changes the export face output geometry to a yellow dashed line style. (INVGEN-6391)
- Improved stability with ContourFlangeDefinition.Definition.ExtentDirection. (169998)
- TemplateFilename and BOMStructure for FileMetadata allow you to specify the template and default BOM structure.
Application Functionality
- Improved stability with scrolling the browser. (182439)
- Studio browser now displays after pressing Ctrl+0. (176318)
- After using the edit in place command, the browser scroll position no longer moves from the command that was just edited to the top of the browser. (172117)
- The Application Options > General tab > Text appearance setting now correctly sets the font for the Model browser. (167010)
- Browser panel no longer undocks from a single click when moving the mouse quickly. (183855)
- Marking Menu no longer display trails when you right-click and immediately move the mouse. (184991)
- iLogic rules created in one session of Inventor now display in the iLogic browser the next time you open the file. (INVGEN-3820)
Assembly Modeling
- The Shrinkwrap dialog is no longer clipped. (180337)
- Features are now maintained on a part which were initially removed and then selected from the excluded view. (173513)
- Sub-assembly components set to invisible no longer continue to be visible. (INVGEN-3395)
- Work geometries now highlight in the graphic window when hovering over the browser with Constraint dialog open. (181276)
- Edit constraint value now behave correctly after undoing and redoing a constraint edit.(185914)
Communication and Interoperability
- Improved stability when adding an instance of a DWG underlay. (INVGEN-848)
- Improved stability when hovering over a DWG underlay geometry in the graphics window. (INVGEN-2313)
- Improved stability when opening Catia 2017 V4 assembly files. (INVGEN-2360)
Design Accelerator
- Belleville spring generator no longer disappears after turning off and turning on the Spring Set option. (168731)
Enhanced Visualization
- The Surface analysis now displays correctly. (168814)
- Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing now takes effect when the Quality mode setting is inherited from the previous Inventor install. (175322)
- The cutout appearance no longer incorrectly reflects the section view body. (INVGEN-3087)
Part Modeling
- Improved stability when loading Thread/Clearance data. Inventor now reads the Excel spreadsheet for Thread or Clearance data using the Excel libraries, and no longer loads Excel even when Excel is installed on the local machine.
ATTENTION: The environment variable UseLibXL is no longer required, and should be removed from your system as it can prevent Excel from being used for table write operations. (I168545)
- You may not be able to select a hole feature from the graphics window. (186626)
- Selecting an edge to create Chamfer, and then clicking on a different position, may lead the partial chamfer to stop working. (NVGEN-709)
- The chamfer preview turns into transparent after measure and then zoom. (INVGEN-725)
- Measure tolerance can be set to 14 decimals. (INVGEN-3316)
- Dimensions disappear due to auto-update after clicking Show Dimensions and edit sketch dimension. (INVGEN-3395)
- Pattern dialog does not display when you double click a pattern occurrence to edit the feature. (186625)
- Select Other does not display when Extrude-To/Between or Fillet etc. is active. (183705)
- Improved stability after clicking Run in the simulation player. (INVGEN-1279)
- Improved stability when creating a Frame Analysis. (INVGEN-841)
- Non-transacting client graphics now work as expected. (INVGEN-1938, INVGEN-1778, INVGEN-1602, INVGEN-1596)
Application Functionality
- Factory & AutoCAD Electrical add-in browsers now drag smoothly when moving or resizing. (167035, 168806)
Assembly Modeling
- Shortcut keys now working correctly. (178295, 181293)
- BOM column sort now works in Model Data tab. (176969)
- BOM Export - QTY now displays correct number in the Excel sheet for iAssembly part members. (180669)
Drawing Manager
- The text in the Format text dialog now displays correctly when resizing the dialog. (INVGEN-1934)
- Export Parts List to Excel no longer incorrectly converts Numeric columns to text format. (183277)
Part Modeling
- iProperty values no longer show a rounding error. (176292)
Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
We want to express our appreciation to all our customers who identified these issues and reported them to us. Your reports gave us the opportunity to improve the quality of the product. We also thank you for your continued business, and for your valuable feedback regarding this release.
The Autodesk Inventor Product Team
Copyright ©2018 Autodesk, Inc.