These release notes contain the latest information for the Autodesk
® AutoCAD
® Plant 3D 2019.2 Update. It’s recommended that you read the entire document before you install the product.
Applying This Update
NOTE: After applying this update, the Product Version in the About box will be listed as M046.2002 Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019.2 Update.
Fixed Issues
Collaboration Workflow
- Fixed an issue where opening collaboration projects failed in some special network settings.
- Collaboration workflow now detects system proxy settings correctly.
- New projects are now created correctly from a collaboration project template.
- Performance improvements for opening collaboration projects and drawings.
- Cross-drawing connection information can now be restored correctly after removing and copying back the drawings to a collaboration project.
- A new command "PLANTAUDITDATABASE" is available to project administrators for auditing a project database in the Cloud.
Vault Workflow
- Fixed an issue where migrating vault projects from a 2016 version failed in certain cases.
- Duplicate vault projects were shown in the open dialog in some cases.
- Performance improvements for opening vault projects and drawings.
- P&ID Symbol blocks can now be edited via project setup for non-English versions.
- The application hangs in some P&ID painter setting special cases.
- Inline assets can now rotate correctly when moving a line.
- From/to properties now show correct values in the properties palette when connecting a line with a reducer.
- Fixed an issue where the piping spec can't be changed in the properties palette with certain tag format settings.
- Status property is now updated correctly in the properties palette after changing the piping spec.
- The "PLANTAUDIT" command can now correct corrupted piping geometries.
- Cut length is now calculated correctly for pipe bends.
- Bolt length is now calculated correctly for wafer components.
- Piping fittings can now be connected to lap end flanges correctly.
- Elbows can now rotate correctly with slope.
- Annotation for insulation break now points to correct location.
- Makeup length can now be added to bill of materials and cut piece list correctly for spool drawings.
- Makeup length is now added to pipe dimension for spool drawings. To turn this off, set "AddMakeupLengthForSpool=false" in Dimensions settings of Isoconfig.xml.
- Fixed an issue where the PCF export failed in certain conditions.
Spec Editor
- The removed part can now be restored in spec.
- Bolt length is now updated in the catalog.
Fixes in AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019.1 Update