Thank you for downloading Autodesk® Infrastructure Parts Editor 2023.
These release notes contain the latest information regarding the installation and use of this update. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you apply this update to your product. For reference, you should save this document to your hard drive or print a copy.
You can apply this update to the following Autodesk products running on all supported operating systems and languages. Be sure to install the correct update for your software.
As you prepare to install this update, keep the following in mind:
Back Up Custom Files
It is recommended that you back up all custom CUIX, MNR, and MNL files before you apply this update.
Administrative Privileges
To apply this update, you must have privileges to install and uninstall products. During installation or uninstallation, you may be prompted for the original installation media or a network image.
Network Deployment
Administrators can deploy this update over a network using the Deployment Wizard.
Close the Application
It is required that you close Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2023 or Autodesk® InfraWorks® 2023 before proceeding with the installation of this update.
After you install, it is recommended to reboot your system even if not prompted.
About Your Product
After you install, product information is displayed in the About dialog box.
Follow these instructions to install this update on a single computer.
Follow these instructions to install this update on multiple computers using your local network.
The following method of distributing Autodesk® Infrastructure Parts Editor 2023 applies only to administrative images created with the Autodesk® Civil 3D® 2023 or Autodesk® InfraWorks® 2023 Network Installation wizards. After you complete this procedure, any new deployments will have the update applied to them automatically. For information on creating and updating a Network Administrative Image, please see the Autodesk Installation Administrator's Guide.
To apply this update to an existing Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 or Autodesk InfraWorks 2023 administrative image:
Now any new deployments will have the update applied to them automatically.
This update can be uninstalled through the Program and Features section of the Microsoft® Windows® Control Panel.
Follow these instructions to uninstall this update on a single computer.
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